17 Sustainability Lessons for Leaders
What qualities and what knowledge do today's leaders need to pursue long-term sustainable leadership? That's what some of Sweden's top business leaders wanted to find out together with HR provider Novare. We summarized their insights in 17 lessons learned that are now available as a free downloadable guide.

The aim was to provide the executives with the tools and mindset needed for incorporating sustainability in their work. We were a part of the program by hosting workshops and giving lectures, where we emphasized the need of having a clear vision and purpose with your leadership. At the end of the program, we summarized the business leaders’ insights on what sustainable leadership entails. We gave each insight short descriptive names and a customized icon each. The last step was to create a grid layout with all the icons.

Simplicity is needed to explain complex topics. Our goal was to take the valuable insights and create material that is scalable and easy to share with others. With this in mind, we gave the insights short descriptive names and a customized icon each. The last step was to create a grid with all of the icons. The material was packaged as a digital presentation.

The project resulted in “17 Sustainability Lessons For Leaders” - a collection of concrete and communicative courses of action for business leaders who want to make their companies more sustainable.
The lessons can be downloaded on our resources page and used as a toolbox for leaders in all sectors to move forward in transforming their businesses.
Christina Andersson, Novare Leadership Academy:
Novare and the New Division have worked together on various projects, both as a key content contributor in our leadership programs. They are always very spot-on in explaining the importance of communication when it comes to sustainability transformation. To make something complex and serious simple and playful is their domain.
They are always a treat to work and talk with and takes great responsibility in all their deliverables and relationships.