The Nordic Report
The Nordic Report is developed in cooperation with SustaiNordic and ArkDes. With three volumes published, we are now able to provide over two hundred inspiring examples of sustainability initiatives from the Nordic region.

SustaiNordic is a Nordic network promoting sustainable production and consumption in support of UN Global Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). Deriving from architecture and design, the network wants to promote Goal 12 in a creative and attractive way, in tandem with the industries that the network represents.
As the Nordic region is at the forefront of sustainable development, SustainNordic focuses on collecting good Nordic examples of initiatives and ventures addressing sustainable production and consumption. While doing so, they are also disseminating them internationally and stimulating the development of national policies in the field.
The network is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and was initiated by Form/Design Center and The Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design (ArkDes), who is also the administrative body of the network.
SustaiNordic needed a new output that could express these great examples and ventures in a creative and visually attractive way – also in line with the industries that the members represent. Looking for a partner, they came to us and The Nordic Report publication project was initiated. In February 2020 the second issue was released. The complete project contains the three volumes and has been published for three executive years.
Five different native languages are represented, and in vol 2 & 3 Sami has been included, all supported by an English translation. Our mission was to create a layout that would live on through three planned volumes.

Both issues are based on content produced by the SustainNordic team. As we received the texts and interviews, our team started working on the tonality of the magazine. We wanted to create visuals that captured the essence of the featured companies and their profiles. Keeping a sleek design, it was as important that the magazine can function as an effective asset in lobbying arenas.
The biggest challenge was to produce a layout that covered the various languages, included all of the required pictures and still remained elegant and informative. Collecting material from different sources and still being able to make it look and feel consistent – required skill and flexibility. We also had to combine the pre-photographed pictures with colored blank images and original illustrations. The text needed to be proof-read by several people since the publication contained six different languages. Both a demanding and exciting process.

“The Nordic Report 03 aims to be an eye-opener in order to influence domestic and international policy making. It intends to reflect around the complexity of this area by providing a space for discussion and varied perspectives with the ambition to inspire and call on readers to take action. “
– SustainNordic

All the issues are available online and as hardcopies

The first issue
The pilot issue, The Nordic Report 01, was printed in 3000 copies.

The second issue
The Nordic Report 02 contains twelve expert interviews and over a hundred initiatives working towards the UN Global Goal 12 – Sustainable Production and Consumption of Agenda 2030.

The third & final issue
Based on the earlier reports, that was highlighting good examples from the Nordic region, The Nordic Report 03 takes a closer look at sustainable production and consumption and provides a deeper insight and understanding. Twelve in-depth phenomenons, including the paradigm shift from linear to circular economy, a waste-free society and the future of transports and food, are being discussed and reflected upon.